3rd Fighter Aviation Division (People's Republic of China)
The 3rd Fighter Division is a unit of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLA-AF). Initially established in 1950. PLA-AF fighter divisions generally consist of about 17,000 personnel and 70-120 aircraft.
Notable Members
- ^ (Chinese) 空中突击手孙生禄 (Sun Shenlu: The Aerial Vanguard), Beijing, China: Xinhua, 2003-10-25, http://news.xinhuanet.com/world/2003-10/25/content_1142512.htm, retrieved 2011-08-29
- ^ (Chinese) 中华英雄鏖战世界强敌 抗美援朝"战斗英雄"全景扫描 (Profiles on Combat Heroes During the Korean War), Beijing, China: Xinhua, 2010-10-26, http://news.xinhuanet.com/politics/2010-10/26/c_12703695_6.htm, retrieved 2011-08-29
See also